Growing Pains: How to Navigate Next-Level Growth - ep. 138

Season #4

As your business grows…do you find yourself bumping up against your own limiting beliefs in NEW (and not-so-exciting) ways?

A lot of my clients are LEVELING UP right now, and resistance is sneaking in through the back door.

Suddenly, people are...

👉 Afraid that their success is a fluke.

👉 Worried their life will be CONSUMED with work. 

👉 Fearing that they’ll be “found out” as a fraud.

👉 Scared that TOO MANY people will want to work them, and they’ll have to turn people away.

👉 Feeling guilty about higher rates.

👉 Afraid of closing doors to opportunities they’ve outgrown. 

And while many of these limiting beliefs were probably present at the START of your business journey….they tend to take on a NEW TWIST, as you scale and grow.

Even if you thought you already “conquered” them.

New level, new devil. 👿


As you progress, you’ll inevitably encounter NEW obstacles. And your mindset will be challenged. 

The good news?

As you learn how to manage your subconscious mind and energetic systems, you MOVE THROUGH the resistance more quickly. 

And you can see it for what it is – an invitation to REFRAME THE SITUATION and shift your mindset, so that you can keep expanding. 

Want the inside scoop on the ADVICE I GIVE TO MY 1:1 CLIENTS when this kind of stuff comes up?

Check out the latest episode of The Limitless Life Podcast!

And hey, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and leave a (5-star) review! When YOU leave me amazing reviews, you help me reach more people….which means, we can shift the wealth consciousness of humanity, together!

Here’s to creating your Limitless Life!


If you’re looking for a community of high-achieving women in business who “get it”…I’d love for you to check out my Expansion Community! 

We meet 2x month for group expansion coaching. PLUS, you get access to my custom expansion audio exercises to help anchor in your growth.




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