023: How to go from over-commitment and overwhelm, to thriving! Conversation with Melanie Sodka

Episode #24

Are you addicted to multi-tasking? Feel like you are burning the candle at both ends and just feel like you are totally overcommitted? Did you know that our addiction to distraction is making us dumb? 

In this episode you will meet Melanie Sodka, Melanie Sodka is the founder of Capacity Creator Corp. an education and consulting company that transforms high achieving individuals from over-commitment and overwhelm, to thriving in their current environments. As a an award winning Business Professor and Entrepreneur as well as TEDx speaker, Melanie is also pursuing her dream of writing a book where she shares true stories and a suite of tools, including her very own Egocake™  Framework, intended to guide people through the discovery of their personal capacity and ultimately how to respect it. 


Features and Professional Highlights: 40under40 award, Featured in Forbes and Training Industry Corp., Co-author Dreaming Big Being Bold, Producer of Capacity Creator Podcast

Connect with Melanie

Watch her TEDx Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eOcpZXrq-E

Website: https://www.melaniesodka.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melaniesodka

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/capacitycreator/



Connect with me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/_brendajohnston