Thursday September 14, 2023
1:00 pm EST / 10:00 am PST 

Be honest, over the last year….how many times have you found yourself saying “no” to things that “cost too much money” ???

👉  The brand-name peanut butter.

👉  The business-class upgrade.

👉  The new pair of running shoes.

👉  The hello-fresh subscription.

👉  The luxury pedicure.

I get it. It’s frustratingAF to feel as if you don’t have enough money for things.

And even though you’ve probably been “working on” your money mindset.....nothing seems to change. 

Why? Why? WHY?!?!?

Well, I can tell you right now……most “mindset & manifestation coaches” are giving you generic, one-size-fits-all manifestation techniques. 😫

They’re assuming your “problems” and money blocks are generic (like everyone else!)…...and they’re not supporting you with the most important tool of all:


Yep. When you consistently manage your energy, you gain greater self-awareness…..and from that place of clarity, you can more easily SEE your unique blocks, patterns, and beliefs that may be holding you back from making more money, and embracing abundance!

Crazy, right?

OK, so if you’re like….. “I’m DONE with all this generic BS, Brenda! It’s not working! And I want something that actually helps me MAKE MORE MONEY!”

…..I’ve got you.

Save your spot now

 Space for this live masterclass is limited. If you can't make it live, a replay will be available for 48-hours but to get the replay link you have to be signed up here.


At this transformational event, you’ll experience empowering mindset shifts for energy expansion and abundance attraction. 🧲

I’ll show you how to become more AWARE of your unique “money story” and how to shift out of limiting patterns so that you can make more money, and attract even greater abundance! 💸

The stories you were told growing up (and the stories you made up) about MONEY = your reality. So let’s identify what is holding YOU back, and shift that mindset of yours! 

Thursday September 14, 2023
1:00 pm EST / 10:00 am PST 
Be honest, over the last year….how many times have you found yourself saying “no” to things that “cost too much money” ???

👉  The brand-name peanut butter.

👉  The business-class upgrade.

👉  The new pair of running shoes.

👉  The hello-fresh subscription.

👉  The luxury pedicure.

I get it. It’s frustratingAF to feel as if you don’t have enough money for things.

And even though you’ve probably been “working on” your money mindset.....nothing seems to change. 

Why? Why? WHY?!?!?

Well, I can tell you right now……most “mindset & manifestation coaches” are giving you generic, one-size-fits-all manifestation techniques. 😫

They’re assuming your “problems” and money blocks are generic (like everyone else!)…...and they’re not supporting you with the most important tool of all:


Yep. When you consistently manage your energy, you gain greater self-awareness…..and from that place of clarity, you can more easily SEE your unique blocks, patterns, and beliefs that may be holding you back from making more money, and embracing abundance!

Crazy, right?

OK, so if you’re like….. “I’m DONE with all this generic BS, Brenda! It’s not working! And I want something that actually helps me MAKE MORE MONEY!”

…..I’ve got you.

Save your spot now

Space for this live masterclass is limited. If you can't make it live, a replay will be available for 48-hours if you have signed up.


At this transformational event, you’ll experience empowering mindset shifts for energy expansion and abundance attraction. 🧲

I’ll show you how to become more AWARE of your unique “money story” and how to shift out of limiting patterns so that you can make more money, and attract even greater abundance! 💸

The stories you were told growing up (and the stories you made up) about MONEY = your reality. So let’s identify what is holding YOU back, and shift that mindset of yours!




Here's the thing, shifting your “money story” has the potential to affect EVERY SINGLE AREA OF YOUR LIFE. Abundance isn’t just about cash money (although that’s nice too)! When you are empowered with an abundance mindset, you open yourself up to limitless possibilities in: LOVE, CAREER, CREATIVITY, FRIENDSHIP, & HEALTH!

This event is a powerful first step towards living your limitless life! And it’s also a great opportunity for you to get a “taste” of my 8-week LIVE group coaching program, THE MONEY CURE.

In just 60 minutes, you will experience a powerful glimpse into the life changing journey that awaits you in the full MONEY CURE program!

Register to save your spot!

Why show up LIVE? 🤔

You will be given the opportunity to ask questions, and get personalized advice about your unique money blocks!

You’ll also get to experience the healing power of the collective energy on the call!

Hi, I'm Brenda

Subconscious Mindset Strategist & Energy Mentor  — my mission is to help you harness the power of your subconscious mind and energetic systems so you can unlock new levels of success in business and life. 

The Result? You’ll be emanating confidence, easily taking action and giving yourself permission to dream WAY bigger.

Most coaches won’t tell you this, but deep transformation doesn't need to be hard or take years.

Then again, I’m not your average coach. And I’m here to remind you – you didn’t come this far to NOT enjoy your life….am I right?